hrp0092p2-247 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

Does the Anogenital Distance Predict Outcome of Hypospadias Repair?

Springer Alexander , Riedl Stefan , Tonnhofer Ursula , Hiess Manuela , Metzelder Martin , Hebenstreit Doris

Purpose: The anogenital distance (AGD) is androgen action dependent. It is sexually dimorphic and seems to be shorter in androgen-action related diseases like hypospadias. In this study we sought to determine whether the AGD is predictive for surgical outcome in hypospadias repair.Material and Methods: Patients were collected prospectively. AGD was measured in OR prior to surgery by 2 surgeons (blinded, each 3 times). Ou...